Paramount, the owner of the “Beverly Hills” franchise, has licensed Netflix the right to produce “Beverly Hills” sequel, the fourth installment of the film with the lead actor Eddie Murphy and producer Jerry Bruckheimer.
The story is making rounds that Paramount Studio wanted to revive the famous franchise in different forms and was also looking into the option of making it a T.V show.
Paramount Studio initially planned to launch to produce the fourth installment but dropped the plans later in 2016.
The new deal is going to be mutually beneficial for both the firms. Netflix will get the reputed title and capitalize on the stardom of Eddie Murphy. Paramount could shore up its declining revenues, especially after a gloomy performance of “Terminator: Dark Fate” at the box office.
Paramount launched the franchise in 1984, and it’s been 35 years since the first installment of the franchise was launched with Martin Brest original. Tony Scott directed the second installment in 1987, followed by the third installment, which was directed by John Landis in 1994.
This is a sign of budding partnership between Netflix and paramount as the online media streaming giant concluded its third deal with the studio. Previously Netflix also acquired Cloverfield: God Particle, which surprisingly launched at Super Bowl spot, and it bought the offshore rights for Annihilation 17 days after it was released in the State’s.
Netflix will work with the actor and director to produce and finance the Beverly Hills Co and release it on the streaming service.
Paramount has, in the past, made several attempts to revive the franchise, but all have failed. This new deal is undoubtedly going to materialize the long-awaited project.
Featured Image: The Hollywood Reporter