Artificial Intelligence
Jobs That Will Be Replaced by AI and Jobs That Won’t
Harris S -
The relentless march of AI is transforming industries and reshaping the landscape of the job market. While this promises advancements and efficiencies, it also raises concerns about people being replaced by AI. As automation redefines the workplace, the ability...
Marketing Career Paths: A Guide For Beginners
Your career does not only help you to succeed in life, but it is also a source of happiness. However, it will take years to forge a path that fulfills your dream goal. This is why it is crucial...
The Psychology of Changing Careers
Hashim N -
Career changes can happen for various reasons, providing job seekers with new and fulfilling opportunities. When considering switching careers, understanding the mental pros and cons are important. This is why you should research professional options as to why a...
Latest News
A Rundown of AI Gaffes in 2024
In 2024, several AI systems encountered significant gaffes. Chatbots provided misleading information on sensitive topics, and AI generated racially...