
Google Ads Quality Score

If you’re new to Google Ads, you might have heard the term Quality Score thrown around a lot. It seems important, but you can’t figure out what it is or why it matters. Well, we’re here to tell you...

The Ultimate List Of Top Android Hacks

Most of you have heard or read about the top best Android app of different categories. But  today we are going to introduce our readers to the ten most notorious Android hacking apps available on the Internet. People are...

Recent Google Updates 2022

Google’s search engine works on a set formula which we call its algorithm. It’s a very complex formula that is used to derive information from its search index to deliver results on search engine result pages (SERPs). When you...

Best Remote Collaboration Tools: An Overview

The pandemic boosted the trend of already growing remote work. Businesses have been considering this trend to follow and apply. Fortunately, it has become a norm for many companies. With the increase in remote working culture, there has been...

How to Advertise Your Business on Google?

Want to advertise your business on Google? The age of digital marketing is upon us. You don’t have to spend all of your marketing budgets on flyers, print ads or that flailing-arm guy. The internet is where you need to...

Branding Vs Marketing – Choose Your Fighter

Oftentimes, brands use the words ‘branding’ and ‘marketing’ interchangeably. But these two words have completely different meanings. In these times, brands need to be aware of which word to use in order to create an effective strategy. You can’t...

How to Set Up Google Ads Conversion Tracking – The Simple Way

Google Ads aren’t cheap. But if you’re generating traffic and conversions, they’re definitely worth all the money you’re putting in. As such, it’s important you measure how much traffic and conversions your ads are driving. This guide is going...

Is Voice User Interface Here to Stay?

COVID-19 has created a demand for technology like never before. Even though we have virtual assistants, such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, earlier as well. But it was not commonly used by a lot of people. The actual...

The Mystery of Negative Keywords

Negative keywords are used to prevent your ads from showing to people who are actively searching queries unrelated to the services or products you provide. In turn, giving your business the opportunity to reach the best potential audience whilst...

What is Google Lens for iPhone?

A few decades ago, one could've never imagined technology like Google Lens taking the world by storm. But not only has it done just that, it has only gotten better with time. When hearing the word Google Lens, you'd instantly...

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