Electric Cars
Elon Musk estimates 1000 Starships and 20 years for a sustainable city on Mars
Desk -
Elon Musk has provided details about his plans for reaching on Mars and developing a sustainable city where people can actually live, talk of the town since Elon revealed Starship. Musk believes it will take 1,000 Starships and 20...
Science & Health
See you soon, Mars! NASA aims to land by 2035
The American politician and administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jim Bridenstine has announced that astronauts could land on Mars by 2035, at the annual International Astronautical Conference (IAC). IAC conference held on Monday, 20th October 2019....
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Do We Live in a Simulation?
Estimated reading time: 13 minutes "...how could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move...