Science & Health

SN8: SpaceX Starship explodes on landing after test flight

SpaceX Starship prototype SN8 achieves a new milestone before exploding on landing. It is speculated that the Starship managed to reach a height of 40,000 feet from the SpaceX launchpad in Texas before crashing. However, the exact altitude cannot yet be confirmed. This could be a massive...

Covid-19 Vaccines: price, dose, availability, other details explained

The COVID-19 virus has changed the way the world works and people interact with each other. Researchers are working day and night to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus. It usually takes years to make any vaccines after multiple testing phases, but every...

SpaceX’s new Dragon 2 docks at ISS as part of CRS-21 mission

SpaceX, with its new Dragon capsule, completes CRS-21, another launch mission by meeting the supply of cargo to the International Space Station. The Dragon spacecraft was launched on December 6th from NASA's Kennedy space center in Florida and successfully docked at its destination on December 7th....

SpaceX to test the Starship SN8 prototype today. Watch live here.

SpaceX starship prototype, serial number 8 (SN8), is standing tall at the launch pad in Boca Chica, Cameron County, Texas. SpaceX has hinted that its first high altitude test flight could soon take place. The flight is scheduled for Tuesday 8th December, 11 AM EST.  However,...

What we learned about COVID-19 pandemic masks in 2020

Face masks in 2020 reach a totally new level of importance because of the Coronavirus pandemic. A mask that people barely used other than surgeons performing surgery became the most essential product in the world. The focus was shifted towards the best prevention...

FDA approves Gilead’s Veklury remdesivir for COVID-19

The US Food and Drug Administration announced on 22nd October that it has approved the first COVID treatment, remdesivir. The drug is approved for patients over 12 years of age, weighing at least 40 kilograms. Only the patients who require hospitalization can be...

SpaceX Crew Dragon successfully docks with the International Space Station

SpaceX Crew Dragon, commercially-made spacecraft, has finally arrived to the orbiting laboratory at the International Space Station after launching from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. On Sunday, NASA astronauts Douglas Hurley and Robert Behnken made the space trip successful while docking at ISS...

Apple donating over 20 million face masks, producing protective face shields to fight against COVID-19

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, has said that the tech giant donated 20 million N95 respiratory face masks to help combat the ongoing activities against coronavirus pandemic in the United States. The N95 masks, recommended by CDC, protect against most airborne particles, including...

FDA approves Abbott ID NOW test kit

Food and Drug Administration - FDA - approves portable testing kit 'ID NOW' by global pharma giant Abbott Laboratories for its test kit that detects and gives the final results for positive coronavirus testing in just 5 minutes. The testing device has received...

Elon Musk: Tesla New York Gigafactory will reopen to produce ventilators amid COVID-19

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, says that he will reopen the Buffalo, New York, factory for the production of ventilators to help the people of New York to fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Tesla is already working with the medical...

Latest News

The automotive industry is experiencing unprecedented upheaval as car prices soar to unprecedented heights. The pandemic's ripple effects, from supply chain disruptions to shifting consumer demands, have reshaped the market...