Apple’s WWDC 2024 Unveils New AI  Features

Apple Paves the Way for a Smarter Future

WWDC 2024 was all about some great announcements by Apple.  One of the major and anticipated announcements included Apple Intelligence. The term intelligence has been introduced for a new suite of AI features for Apple devices. The feature is likely to arrive later this year in the fall.

What’s So Interesting in Apple Intelligence?

Apple fans showed interest in enjoying more smart features in Apple devices to make smart yet quick decisions. This new feature will bring more conversational Siri, customized AI-generated  ‘Genmoji’. Not only this, ChatGPT 4 will likely reign in devices to turn Siri into a complete OpenAI’s chatbot.  

We all know that Apple once refused to add artificial intelligence when talking about machine learning. However, the tables have turned and major improvements have been announced to catch up with the new trends.

Siri Gets Smarter

AI features are going to play big within apps, notifications and other activity on devices. For example, they help automatically write things for you and summarize text for emails or other important notes. With a built-in AI tool, you will be able to tweak write ups or even change the tone of a piece of writing by giving a prompt.  

WWDC 2024

When you use Siri, Apple claims it has Onscreen Awareness, which means it can comprehend what you’re saying and take action with users’ content in more apps over time. According to the business, this will be compatible with both Apple and third-party apps. You’ll also be able to text Siri instead of just talking to her.

WWDC 2024
Source: Apple

Photo Editing and Image Generation Gets a Next Level Upgrade 

Time to get more innovative with the photo app! WWDC 2024 revealed that Apple is overhauling its image center, and it’s filled with features that will make managing and editing your photos a breeze.

The good news is that layout is getting a new makeover. Now, you can explore your images with an option to customize them and create personalized galleries. You can organize your photo albums seamlessly without going into any complexities and steps. 

But, how will your images enhance their beauty? Apple Intelligence jumps in to rescue your editing needs. It promises to elevate your image editing to a whole new level. Just with a single swipe, you can change the background objects and enhance your picture’s quality. 

WWDC 2024
Source: Apple

Additionally, create a natural language description, and Apple Intelligence will perform its magic. It will search your library for the ideal images to accompany your story and even play a suitable tune from Apple Music to set the mood.

So, get ready for a Photos app that’s more than just saving memories; it’s about creating a really personalized and immersive experience.

Text Editing and Rewriting 

Create and Rewrite Text is one of the profound features we were anticipating to be introduced in Apple devices. So, here it is! This feature will give your freedom to create and rewrite your text to resonate in every scenario. Apple users can use this AI feature to set the tone of the email, notes, job descriptions, adding humor or simply sending an invite. 

These are system-wide features, which will be available in all Apple and third-party apps. For example, it can be used in Mail, Messages, and Notes, as well as Keynote, PowerPoint, or Word.

Proofread provides grammar, word choice, and sentence structure checks, as well as edit suggestions and explanations.

A Glimpse Of OpenAI 

As discussed above, ChatGPT will have a prominent existence on Apple devices. GPT-4o will be introduced  on iOS, iPadOS and MacOS later this year. We are expecting Siri turned into a chatbot to perform on our requested prompts. 

However, before sending any prompts about images or documents, the system will ask your permission before going to GPT-4o. Apple might leverage other AI models in the future.

Enhanced Privacy With AI Assistant 

Apple promises that Apple Intelligence goes hand in hand with powerful privacy. Its new AI solution was built with privacy at the core. This is because a truly helpful AI assistant requires access to personal and confidential information. 

Most Apple users would not want this data transferred off the device. A cornerstone of Apple Intelligence is on-device processing, and many of the models that power it run entirely on device, according to Apple. 

WWDC 2024
Source: Apple

However, due to their complexity, not every task can be completed on the device. So they launched Private Cloud Compute, which Apple claims expands the privacy and security of Apple devices into the cloud to unlock intelligence.

Get Ready For A Smarter Future After WWDC 2024!

Apple’s WWDC 2024 unveiled Apple Intelligence. The new feature promises a strong AI technology that works with the iPhone and Mac. Siri that knows you better, the Photos app also gets a facelift, with AI-powered background removal and memory creation via Apple Music. iPhone users may enjoy RCS messaging and a Game Mode. Meanwhile, Mac users get long-awaited iPhone mirroring and customizable Spatial Audio. With improved Continuity features and a focus on privacy, Apple is making your devices more than just smarter; they are an extension of you.

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