
A Complete Guide to Creating Engagement Interactive Posts

In today’s technologically advanced world, individuals want to interact with social media posts. This measure helps establish an indirect form of communication with the brand. And also allows the audience members to relay their thoughts to the respective brand. Creating engagement interactive posts...

Brand Experience: A Sure-Shot Way to Boost Your Sales!

Brand experience (BX) is an incredible marketing approach. Most brands make use of this powerful strategy through sensory-branding techniques. In the age of digital media, BX is becoming more and more important. In simple terms, BX is defined as the behavioral response to...

Digital Changes Via AI Trends

Artificial intelligence has proved to be the perfect pairing between identifying human behaviors and learning them through machines. This does sound strange, right? But we’re living in a world continuously witnessing growth via artificial intelligence. With everything evolving with time, it’s only natural...

Recent Google Updates 2022

Google’s search engine works on a set formula which we call its algorithm. It’s a very complex formula that is used to derive information from its search index to deliver results on search engine result pages (SERPs). When you enter a query into...

Predictive vs Prescriptive Analytics

Big data solutions are receiving a lot of interest from businesses worldwide. Analytics of your data can provide previously unknown information about your company. But, to reap the full benefits of those insights, you need to test source data before applying it to...

Content Optimization: A Marketer’s Artistic Calling

When people and companies discuss content optimization, they’re often pointing to search engine optimization (SEO). However, it doesn’t mean that one should be optimizing your content solely for search engine bots. Rather, the opposite is somewhat more true; when you optimize your content...

Quick Ways of Increasing Ecommerce Sales in 2023

Future shopping experiences are going to be ruled by online shopping. Ecommerce is an ever-changing industry with a sight to touch all the heights of future shopping. It is also expected that this industry will see a boom in the future and forfeit...

Paid Time Off: In-Depth Understanding of PTO Policies

Employers offer paid time off incentive to keep the employee engaged and motivated. Nowadays, businesses seek different ways to boost the productivity of their employees.  A great way to enhance productivity is to offer paid time off to the employees.  It encourages employees to work...

Top Email Marketing Platforms 2022: Wishlist Of Every Entrepreneur

Nothing compares to email marketing when it comes to advertising. Companies can advertise their products much more effectively through email marketing. Even if there have been advancements in other marketing channels, email marketing still leads the way. Efficient software is essential to maximize...

The Complete Know-How Regarding Marketing Intelligence

Simply put, marketing intelligence is a broad term that relates to data and technologies available to resources. Marketing intelligence is data or information relevant to the company when creating campaigns. Once the data is collected, it is analyzed, helping marketers make informed business...

Latest News

The automotive industry is experiencing unprecedented upheaval as car prices soar to unprecedented heights. The pandemic's ripple effects, from supply chain disruptions to shifting consumer demands, have reshaped the market...