Can You Change Your Reddit Username?

We can all agree on the fact that creating a Reddit account exposes you to one of the most public platforms on earth. But, despite its large-scale public nature, Reddit is quite a useful resource. 

You can find multiple subreddits of anything that interests you and a plethora of users debating and learning from each other. 

That said, have you ever found yourself unhappy with your username? Do you feel buyer’s remorse toward your Reddit username? 

If so, then you have come to the right place. Read on to learn everything you need to know about changing your Reddit username.

Can You Change Your Reddit Username?

Changing your Instagram and Twitter handles is a piece of cake. But Reddit is a bit different. You’ll have to deal with a few caveats and can’t change your username on a whim.

Once you’ve created your Reddit account and chosen a custom username, you cannot change it unless you make a new account. This is not something that a lot of people like to hear. 

So, we’ll save you the stress and say that there is a silver lining. In other words, there is an exception to changing your Reddit username without creating a new account. 

You can only do this if you create a Reddit account using your Google or Apple ID to log in. That’s because you get a randomly assigned username through this method. 

You can change this preassigned username to something more of your liking. After you’ve finalized your assigned username, you’re stuck with it forever.

Change Your Reddit Username on Desktop

Changing your preassigned Reddit username on a desktop is quite a simple process. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Open your desired web browser on your Mac or PC. 
  • Go to the Reddit homepage and head to your profile settings. You can do this by clicking on the dropdown arrow in the top right corner and selecting Profile.
Image source: Insider
Image Source: Insider
  • Click on Change Username.
  • Make sure your new username is between 3 to 23 characters. A red text below the Enter Username textbox will show you whether the username you’ve chosen is acceptable or not.
  • Click on Continue. 
  • Reddit will ask you if you’re sure of the username. If so, click on Save Username.

Remember that once you do this, you won’t be able to change it again. So, choose a username wisely — something that you’ll love for years to come.

Change Your Reddit Username on Android or iOS

To change your Reddit username on Android or iOS, you need to first download the app from Google Play or App Store. Once you’ve done this, follow the steps given below:

  • Open the Reddit app on your smartphone.
  • Tap on the profile icon in the top right corner.
  • Now select My profile which will take you to your Reddit profile.
  • Then, press Edit.
  • Reddit will ask you if you want to keep your assigned username or change it. 
  • Tap on Change username.
  • Enter your new username in the “Shown on your profile page” field below Display name. 
  • Don’t exceed 3 – 23 characters when choosing the username. Reddit will also inform you if the username you’ve selected is right or not. So, pay attention to any red text that’ll appear.
  • Once you’re done, tap on Next in the top right.
  • Reddit will confirm if you want to keep the username. 

Tap on Save username if you’re 100% sure about it.

As mentioned earlier, your Reddit username will be permanent after this. So, do not opt for a username you’re not sure about.

Don’t Forget, Reddit Usernames are Forever

One cannot stress enough how important it is to carefully choose your Reddit username. So, before leaving, we’d like to highlight this one last time. 

You cannot change your Reddit username once you’ve finalized it. 

So, do not make a mistake and make sure you’re 100% satisfied with the username you choose. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck with it forever, and there will be no turning back.

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