#artificial intelligence

Crash Course For AI Marketing Strategy

Artificial Intelligence is the future. It's imperative to enable organizations to improve their marketing efforts from every single perspective. Mastering AI can help automate everyday marketing tasks. This includes critical functions like scheduling and sending emails. Some employers even...

Emerging Technologies to Look Out For in 2023

Technological advancements have provided steadfast ways to communicate through instant messaging apps. It also includes social media platforms. Seniors can keep in touch with their loved ones. Whereas caregivers have new avenues to check in on aging parents or...

The Future of FinTech

The pandemic has changed a lot of things in the world, including the financial sector. So, there's no doubt that things won't return to being as they were in this post-pandemic economy. Those working in a pre-pandemic environment are aware...

Predictive Marketing: Present and Future

Simply put, we can define predictive marketing as the use of big data. It helps brands generate forecasting models based on reliable information. Companies can make use of data science to help develop marketing strategies. This inevitably helps drive...

Top 5 SEO 2021 Trends

SEO, in its early days, was a concept that revolved around search engines. With time it has grown beyond that and has taken user experience and usability into account. Changing SEO trends has led to evolving approaches, techniques, and...

Amazon bans police use of its facial recognition technology for one year

Amazon, on Wednesday, has announced it will suspend the use of Rekognition, a fast and accurate facial recognition technology amid a growing backlash over the tech company's ties, for a year in the USA. The moratorium came after the...

Snapchat Time Machine AI makes you look younger or older

Snapchat has introduced a new filter showing your age evolution dubbed as Time Machine filter. Snapchat has introduced an attention-getting filter named "Time Machine" which allows users to witness their changed appearance by just gliding the screen. People want to know...

Top 5 Technology Trends in 2020

With ever-changing technology around us it is important to keep an eye on what’s coming up in the future.  In this report, we are sharing our picked top technology trends in 2020.  1. 5G Data Networks 5G will be the fastest...

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