
Nonprofit Marketing: A Heroic Endeavour?

To run a nonprofit, donations and volunteers are required. The only way to achieve that is by employing the right nonprofit marketing strategies. This enables NGOs to collect resources and raise awareness on social issues.   There are many creative ways...

Retail Industry Trends: What’s New?

The importance of the retail industry to a country’s economy can’t be understated. It helps ensure that the country is doing well in terms of production and consumption. In times of economic recession, the retail sector is one of...

Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses: An Overview

The marketplace is constantly contemplating the answer to what are marketing ideas for small businesses. The small business industry has witnessed a ground-breaking increase in the past few years. The idea of small businesses has paved the way for...

Customer Acquisition Strategies & Their Impact

Customers will always remain the core and spine of the market. And that is why customer acquisition strategies need to be well thought out. It doesn’t matter how small or large a business is, what makes it successful is...

Instagram Marketing for Small Businesses

Instagram marketing has been gaining a lot of traction among small businesses lately. After all, it’s a very popular platform that is easy to use and appealing to the eye. But many businesses think they need to have a...

In-House Marketing: An All-In-One Solution?

In-house marketing refers to an exclusive approach to marketing. It is employed by companies like BBC and Coca-Cola. It is preferred by companies for two main reasons: greater budget control and for retaining brand identity.  Although marketing agencies provide top-notch...

Branded Keywords: The Key to Get Noticed

Keywords are a treasure trove in content marketing. From figuring out how to get your target audience to find out about you to ranking on search engines - keywords do wonders for you. However, one type of keyword often...

A Five-Step Approach to Running an Effective SEO Campaign

Mastering an SEO campaign isn’t as easy as it sounds. Search engine optimization is a very broad category under digital marketing and thus deserves its own unique campaign. There are many components that go into building the right kind...

Digital Marketing KPIs: A Guide to Success

A roadmap of what you are doing is an essential part of any business. Measuring the success of your business is the key to having the right direction. You must keep track of your business and its failures if...

Building Brand Awareness Through Social Media

Building brand awareness through social media is the easiest way to get your brand name out there. And why shouldn’t they? Modern technology has put a great tool at their disposal. Social media is all the rage now. From...

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